
Bounty articles

6 results for 'placenta previa'

Bounty articles (showing 6 of 6 results)

Placenta praevia

What is placenta praevia, what are the symptoms and what will happen if I have it?

Vasa Praevia

What is it and what is the treatment?

Just how can pregnancy affect your sex drive?

Pregnancy can bring many changes but did you know your libido can change in varying stages of pregnancy, and often for the better

Postpartum haemorrhage: What you need to know

Bleeding after birth is normal but you need to be aware if it doesn’t ease and seek medical advice


What will happen if I need a caesarean section?

Breech Baby

Most babies lie in a head down position in the womb, but a minority lie in the breech position – referred to as bottom or feet first.